Note: Updated list of Australian startup and digital marketing conferences is now available for this year. I’ve previously written about the value that conferences and major events can have for attendees, and I am a strong believer in regularly attending… Continue Reading →
At the start of this year, I kicked off a side project to send a weekly curated newsletter on growth marketing, called Basically, I read a ton of articles, choose the ten best and send a weekly email to… Continue Reading →
I’ve spent dozens of hours, reading over 650 growth hacking articles in my mission of collating the ten best articles every week to send to my subscribers. Now, with 22 issues in the archives, I have categorised and listed… Continue Reading →
At the start of 2017, I promised myself to spend this year launching four different side projects. One every quarter. I’ve got three other side projects part ready, and which I am still running, however for this quarter I’ve… Continue Reading →
You’ve come up with a startup idea, and you’re excited. This is going to be The Next Big Thing, you’re absolutely positive. You catch up with friends and family and bounce your idea off them. They agree you are onto… Continue Reading →
Since way back in August 2015, I’ve been running what I call a ‘micro news service’ on Twitter, called Startup Perth. Whilst it has a single page website, all the activity happens on the Twitter account. It was started to… Continue Reading →
The three month deadline which I initially set for this $99 side project experiment is nearly here; in this article, I share my latest learnings from growing my side project with experiments, discuss financials and make decisions on where to… Continue Reading →
I’m a strong believer in side projects. The work I have been doing on my $99 side project, and sharing the lessons with my readers is testament to that. I strongly believe we should all have a side project; designer,… Continue Reading →
Sharing your content on social media is a surefire way to increase traffic to your blog or website, and help you promote your content. The problem is, most people post once, and then move on with their next article –… Continue Reading →
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