Startups, digital marketing, small business & more.

Category Business

My articles related to business management and leadership.

Three Essential Ingredients to Starting a Business

In a basic form, there are three essential ingredients you need before starting a business (this includes hiring an entire team or becoming a freelancer). Time, Money and Personality I believe to start a successful business, you may not need… Continue Reading →

Best Practice I: Succession Planning

At Bam Creative, whenever we start a project, we use a set of processes or standards that we’ve created internally over the last few years as a measure of what we do with every project. It’s what I like to… Continue Reading →

Design Thieves

We’ve all seen examples of where someone has used so much ‘borrowing’ from someone else’s work that it moves from inspiration to plain old theft. I’ve been lucky to date that there’s been some infringements, that’s for sure, but nothing… Continue Reading →

How to handle email

I have been doing some research into my own email use, and have totalled all of my emails since the start of 2006, and then averaged out what emails I receive, send, etc. There are some interesting stats here; On… Continue Reading →

Become an Entrepreneur

I have spoken to graduating students in various universities in the last few years, and I often open my talk by asking the question “Who wants to work for someone else or work for themselves?” And, you guessed it; most… Continue Reading →

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