After fielding many questions about the stages of startup development and what it is like to be a founder, I’ve collected the following animated GIFs to help illustrate the winding journey of an entrepreneur. All in good fun, of course.

You have that initial idea…

You launch your first version…

Your get your first bit of publicity…

You make your first sale…

When you realise your first version was terrible…

Then when you knuckle down to improve it…

When you realise you made bad assumptions from the start…

Then you’re back to fixing it yet again…

When you get even more sales and publicity…

When you’ve spent late nights answering support tickets…

When it dawns on you that feature requests will never stop…

When you realise you have traction…

When you push out a buggy version of your product…

When you fix it, real quick…

When you tell people you’re building another product…

When you feel like you’ve made it…

Thanks to for all the great animations above, and for all the fellow founders who’ve shared similar stories with me. Keep hustling!

If you want further reading with a few less GIFs, please check out my guest post on Ideashoist, where I write about 3 customer validation mistakes I’ve made.

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